About Us
"Building better communities since 1900"
Rayne Building and Loan Association’s mission is to provide personalized banking solutions for every stage of life with ongoing customer satisfaction in a range of products and services.
The Association was organized in 1900 by community members who had a specific purpose in mind—help build a better place to live and work. They started by supporting property development as a locally-owned financial institution for Rayne's growing city. By promoting individual savings, they could provide financial assistance to build homes in the community.
RBL's focus on supporting the development of homes, communities and neighborhoods has been engrained in our culture since the beginning. We still believe we can provide better financial solutions by keeping decision making local and reinvesting in the community.
This firm foundation continues as a mutual association owned by our depositors with local people serving you. To begin your experience, contact us or stop by for further information.
About Rayne
"Frog Capital of the world" and "City of Murals""
Rayne is known as the "Frog Capital of the World” and “City of Murals”. The nicknames originate from our history of some savvy entrepreneurs who settled in Rayne to export frogs during the late 1800’s. These original competitors exported our froggy residents to gourmet restaurants across the country and to Europe. Our amphibians were also sold to biology labs and schools for dissection specimens later.
Even though our frog exporters are long gone today, frogs have become an integral part of our city’s identity. Rayne celebrates its frog trade history with scenic murals painted on walls and businesses in our downtown district. Internationally renowned mural artist Robert Dafford painted many of the city’s original murals. Several other talented artists painted even more murals depicting Rayne’s frog life. Many merchants have colorful themed frog statues at their doors welcoming guests too. We also have an annual Frog Festival which pays homage to our froggy friends with contests, music, food, carnival rides, arts and crafts. In 1970, two of Rayne’s famous hoppers, Pierre and Tee Nom, were even picked up by NASA officials and sent into space!